
Brisbane ---- 澳洲亲子游

Story Bridge
The second most famous bridge in australia.

A beach in the city??!! 
South Bank Parklands

My host families in Brisbane..
It’s a very beautiful house and nice neighbourhood at the top of a hill..…

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
We had such fun here..
Able to feed kangaroos and be up close with Koalas!


有人说“脸就是女人最好的名片”,美丽的脸蛋就像等于女人的身份和价值,因此个个女人几乎都不顾一切的丢钱在自己的脸上只为了漂亮~ 试问天下哪位女人不想变美呢?想要整容又怕风险太高?说到保养,市面上的产品多到如山,又不知道怎么选择?变“美女”往往都是个梦 T.T 姐妹们...